Zain’s strategic approach has been to actively engage with national stakeholders to help shape regulatory outcomes by focusing on regulatory forbearance, value preservation, removal of regulatory impediments and future digital services enablement. This has yielded positive results across Zain’s key markets.
The access to ample spectrum is fundamental to the growth of high-speed broadband services. In 2018, Zain secured spectrum blocks in both sub-1 GHz and above 1-GHz bands to strengthen 4G layers and to serve as precursors to the grant of 5G spectrum in some markets. In February 2018, in Saudi Arabia, Zain secured 2 x 10 MHz of paired spectrum in the 800 MHz band (Band 20) and in January 2019, 90 MHz of unpaired spectrum in the 2600 MHz band (Band 41). In Kuwait, Mada (Zain’s fixed wireless access subsidiary) secured 100 MHz unpaired spectrum in the 3.4 – 3.8 GHz band. In a number of markets, Zain has already been granted spectrum in the 800/2600 MHz. Zain anticipates the award of spectrum in the C-band for IMT 2020 services in markets such as Kuwait and Bahrain and other bands in Iraq, Sudan and Jordan.
Zain continues to promote technology neutrality and contiguity of all spectrum bands as this will allow each operating company to plan methodically for the introduction of new technologies, or the switch-off of existing technologies (e.g. 2G versus 3G), or traffic balancing between network layers. Zain also advocates longer licence terms (over 20 years) and low-cost spectrum particularly for 5G as higher-priced spectrum risks more expensive, lower quality mobile services with poorer coverage.
NRAs within Zain’s footprint acknowledge the critical role played by fiber not only in the connectivity of network elements and infrastructure but also in the provision of high-speed broadband services to customers through FTTH. In Kuwait, Zain is awaiting the launch of a new licensing framework by CITRA that is likely to allow existing players to accede to a universal license allowing access to or deployment of fiber. Zain already has substantial fiber assets in the country.
In Saudi Arabia, CITC issued wholesale infrastructure licenses that allow new players (e.g. utilities) with fiber assets to offer services on a wholesale basis to telecommunications operators. This development paved the way for Zain Saudi to enter into wholesale agreements on fiber with existing and newly licensed fiber assets owners in the Kingdom. In Bahrain, the TRA has continued efforts on the legal separation of Batelco that will see a National Broadband Network / Separated Entity (NBN/SE) established, tasked with providing 100% fiber coverage to businesses at a throughput of 1 Gb/s and 95% fiber coverage to consumers at a throughput of 100 Mb/s no later than May 2019. All operators will be able to purchase multiple capacity links on a wholesale basis from the NBN/SE entity.
In Jordan, the existing integrated licensing regime permits the operation to deploy fiber for network connectivity and FTTH purposes. In Iraq, the deployment of fiber is handled by ITPC on a monopoly basis. In April 2018, Zain was able to secure a contract with the Iraq Telecommunications and Post Company (ITPC) to deploy fiber in Najaf and Karbala.
Zain continues to advocate that fiber is an essential facility and that deployment should be liberalized or that access to national ‘dark’ fiber, on pricing and non-pricing terms that are fair, equitable and non-discriminatory, should be granted. Fiber is critical for 4G and 5G deployment – for backhaul (network edge to the core) and fronthaul (distributed radio units to central units) and FTTx.
In 2018, regulators within Zain’s footprint took proactive steps to examine competition issues impacting the retail and wholesale markets and associated ex-ante and ex-post remedies. Some market regulators introduced new legislation or new guidelines while others either launched public consultations on SMP-operator reference offers, mobile termination rates, long-run incremental cost modelling (LRIC) or initiated strategic market reviews. In Kuwait in Q2 2018, new competition bylaws for the telecommunications sector were issued to set out procedures that CITRA will adopt. Kuwait also commenced work on a strategic market review to define relevant markets, to determine dominance in those markets as well as to re-examine ex-ante and ex-post remedies.
In Bahrain, a new cross-sector competition law No. 31 of 2018 was issued, complementing the sector-specific Competition Guidelines issued by the TRA in 2010. In Saudi Arabia, CITC issued public consultations on the reference offer and broadband service access offers issued by STC, on mobile and fixed termination rates (FTR and MTR), on the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) employed in regulatory accounts and on accounting separation. CITC also issued a decision on market dominance, imposing additional ex-ante remedies on the incumbent operator. Furthermore, regulators in Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait took steps to institute controls on pricing and to put in place competition safeguards to mitigate impacts of price wars.
Zain welcomes regulator-led initiatives to improve competition, to create favorable outcomes for customers and to encourage investment and innovation for operators. Practical enforceability of ex-ante and ex-post remedies is a critical area that regulators will need to pay attention to.
Actively help to shape regulatory outcomes through engagement with regulators on public consultations, multi-stakeholder workshops, and conferences
Lobby for pro-investment and public-private partnership approach to 5G
Advocate technology neutrality for all existing spectrum; secure ample spectrum in new 5G bands; support regional spectrum harmonization efforts (e.g. at WRC-19)
Lobby for long-duration frequency licences (>20 years) at low cost
Recommend liberalization of national fiber, international gateway and open-access cable landing stations
Advocate for regulations supportive of active and passive infrastructure sharing
Recommend regulatory forbearance on CAPEX-intensive mast regulations
Champion enactment of legislation to accelerate digital services, B2B and internet of things and to address convergence of ICT and verticals - telco, digital, media, fintech, health
Espouse data privacy principles but advocate cross-border free flow of data
Advocate enforcement of ex-ante and ex-post remedies to foster fair competition
Lobby for lower industry fees: spectrum fees, licence renewal fees and taxation
Leverage support of industry associations including GSMA, SAMENA Council and ITU, to advance these positions with government stakeholders and other industry participants