

Looking Forward

Zain’s 2023 Sustainability Report ‘A Pathway to Value Creation’ reflects our unwavering commitment to environmental and socio-economic development. As the company navigates the ever-changing impacts of climate change, Zain recognizes the pressing need to continue working towards achieving its net-zero ambition. Moving forward, Zain plans to further intensify efforts on reducing its carbon footprint, investing in renewable energy sources, and implement innovative sustainability practices for effective waste management and promotion of a circular economy. By setting ambitious targets and collaborating with a wide range of stakeholders, Zain aims to contribute to creating value for both society, as well as being nature positive.

Recognizing the vital role of biodiversity, Zain revised its sustainability agenda to include this aspect with a focus on preserving and restoring ecosystems through strategic partnerships and supply chain practices. Zain also places emphasis on creating an environment where children’s rights are not only protected but prioritized. The company’s approach is demonstrated by initiatives such as ZYxGreenSkills, showcasing our commitment to equipping young people with green skills to address the impacts of climate change, and the three-year memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed with Child Helpline International.

Lastly, Zain recognizes the importance of fostering fair working conditions throughout its supply chain, by aligning to Zain’s Human Rights Policy Statement, which reinforces its commitment to human dignity and equality.

Moving forward, the company will place greater emphasis on value creation measured across the short-, medium- and long-term. This shift will ensure that Zain’s efforts address its stakeholders’ needs, foster sustainable outcomes, and contribute to the overall growth and development of the business and its operating communities.

The table below highlights Zain’s plans for 2024, addressing the company’s Corporate Sustainability targets and related progression: 

Corporate Sustainability Target Comments

Set strategic targets to address climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by addressing risks, unlocking new market opportunities, and improving resource efficiency

  • Coordinate across Group functions, operations, and subsidiaries to ensure full adoption of the newly revised CO2 emission targets based on the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) Framework
  • Implementation of the climate change compliance framework across the entire value chain
  • Drive further efforts with the GCC Telco Alliance MoU on lobbying efforts on net-zero commitment
  • Finalize CO2 reduction targets and submit to SBTi.

Develop strategic approaches to address ecological risks and safeguard biodiversity through risk mitigation and sustainable practices

  • Set KPIs and measure impact of biodiversity across Zain’s markets and value chain
  • Focus on nature-driven initiatives with scientific impact reporting methodologies
  • Ensure minimal biodiversity impact throughout our value chain

Aiming to bridge the divides that exist in our operating markets, focusing on marginalized segments

  • Ensure data privacy capacity-building programs for vulnerable groups across all markets are implemented
  • Integrate accessibility features into Zain’s communications
  • Work on creating inclusive products and services to ensure that no one is left behind
  • Hold extensive stakeholder engagement with the elderly to explore their challenges and address them through core services and digital inclusion
  • Continue to scale Women in Tech program to reach targets set in the Corporate Sustainability strategy

Ensuring a responsible supply chain across Zain business practices

  • Create training programs for suppliers on various sustainability topics
  • Develop automation mechanism for supplier assessment on sustainability risks for self-assessment questionnaire and physical audits
  • Develop anti-corruption compliance program including verification mechanisms for suppliers

Committing to safeguard and empower 16 million youth across Zain’s footprint, enabling them to reach their full potential

  • Continue to assess challenges, gaps and opportunities related to children’s rights across all business activities
  • Continue the progression and achievement of operation-specific KPIs included in the MoU with Child Helpline International
  • Work towards achieving the commitments set in the GSMA Mobile Alliance to combat Digital Child Sexual Exploitation 
  • Continue to drive advocacy on children across Zain’s value chain
  • Implement ZYxGreenSkills program across all operating markets to advance youth’s skills to address climate change

Building human capital within the organization

  • Develop training programs on ethical standards that cover all employees including part-timers, suppliers, and contractors 
  • Continue interaction with the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion University (DEIU) and IE University, providing employees access to furthering their education through an online Digital Transformation program with the option of attaining a Master’s degree

Expand and improve Zain’s stakeholder engagement strategy across all functions

  • The company continues to uphold its commitment to improving its stakeholder engagement processes by having open, effective, and frequent communications with major stakeholders. For more details about Zain’s stakeholder engagement, please visit ‘Stakeholder Engagement’ on page 56

Continue to improve governance policies and practices to maintain compliance with Kuwait’s Capital Markets Authority (CMA) regulations

  • Zain complies with CMA regulations in Kuwait, as related to transparency and governance, and takes steps to further refine its compliance in alignment with global best practices

Continue to optimize the company’s risk management policies and practices

  • Zain’s Risk Management and Internal Audit functions continue to coordinate in union with the Board Risk and Audit committees to improve the organization’s effectiveness in identifying and mitigating organizational risks

Expand and broaden the organization’s Innovation Agenda

  • Continuing developing the innovation agenda through strategic activities and partnerships such as Dizlee (API platform), ZainTECH, Zain Esports, and Zain Fintech, amongst others
  • Contributing to national innovation by establishing innovation centers, ZINC in Kuwait, Iraq, and Jordan
  • Aiming to further enhance the intrapreneurship ecosystem within the company through the ZAINIAC program

Continue to take steps to address and improve gender and disability disparity and encourage greater inclusivity within the organization

  • Continue to take steps to address and improve gender and disability disparity and encourage greater inclusivity within the organization
  • Pioneering the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) agenda across the board, to further the targets set in each of the DEI focus areas: 
    • WE – tackling gender gaps within the company 
    • WEABLE – supporting people with disabilities in the workplace
    • ZAINIAC – internal innovation 
    • BEWELL – promoting mental health and well-being 
    • ZY – empowering young Zain employees through skills development, including ZYxGreenSkills
    • Reach – embed a mentoring culture within the organization

We look forward to receiving your thoughts and feedback on this report. Kindly send comments and/or questions to