About the Report
Our 2021 Sustainability Report highlights the socio-economic and environmental impacts of Zain’s activities and its dedication to creating systemic change and establishing long-term value for all. Marking Zain’s 11th consecutive year of reporting, the company aims to address the impact and the integration of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) topics on its overall strategic direction through its Zain’s five-year (2020-2025) Corporate Sustainability strategy with the objective of establishing systemic change in the communities in which it operates.
This consolidated report provides an in-depth overview of Zain’s activities against the targets it set in its five-year Corporate Sustainability strategy, which is centered on Climate Change, Social Business, Inclusion and Generation Youth. Moreover, the report discloses all related performances of Zain Group and its operating companies for the year ended December 31, 2021.
An independent limited assurance was provided by Ernst & Young (Al Aiban, Al Osaimi and Partners) for the current report, details of which are included here. The Vice-Chairman and Group CEO, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Sustainability Officer, and other within Zain Group have reviewed, assessed, and approved the Sustainability Report.
The topics included in the report are based on the annual materiality assessment where Zain addresses the most material issues while ensuring it adheres to the changing landscape and the emergence of new topics. In addition, it reports on the relevance of such topics to its overall strategy, and the impact of ESG components in establishing long-term value.
The Sustainability Report is published on an annual basis with the aim of responding to stakeholders’ concerns and simultaneously communicate how the company mitigates risks and leverages opportunities.
The report includes references to all of Zain’s country operations, namely: Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and South Sudan. In Morocco, Zain holds a 15.5% stake in INWI through a joint venture.
However, as Zain does not manage operations for INWI, this operation is not part of the scope of the Sustainability Report.
Zain utilized the AA1000 Accountability Principles (AA1000AP) 2018, the Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI) standards where Zain uses the ‘In Accordance’ core option of the GRI Standards. The company also adheres to the Sustainability Accounting Standard Board (SASB) where it follows the ‘Telecommunications Sustainability Accounting Standard’. The content included in the report is also aligned with the United Nations Guiding Principles (UNGP) on Business and Human Rights Reporting Framework, which was launched in February 2015 and the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). In addition, Zain is also aligned to the ESG Reporting Guide published by Boursa that is in line with the Kuwait Vision 2035.
It should be noted that some information deemed significant and mentioned in previous reports is repeated in the current one, while redundant or easily available information may have been omitted to ensure the fluidity and relevance of the current report. The report also describes situations where considerable organizational changes have taken place during the reporting period.
Zain welcomes any comments, feedback, or suggestions regarding the content of this document.
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