Zain’s approach to Climate Action

Commencing in 2012, Zain’s Climate Action journey continues to evolve, adapting to the context and markets in which the company operates. Zain recognizes that it participates in a region with a high susceptibility to the negative impacts of climate change. Under Zain’s five-year 4Sight and corporate sustainability strategies, it has set climate change as one out of four strategic pillars. In 2022, the company adapted the targets under this pillar to ensure it not only embeds climate change adaptation and mitigation into its operations, but also considers future

risks that could impact the sustainability of the business. Climate-related risks are embedded into Zain’s Risk Universe, where the company established its Climate Action Committee (CAC) to ensure Board oversight and monitorization. Through the CAC, Zain’s Board oversees the progression of evolving physical and transition risks.

Climate change continues to be a topic of material significance for Zain, and the company has set in place waste reduction targets, addressing water consumption levels, and proactively managing its emissions across its footprint. For the first time in 2021, Zain disclosed its Scope 3 emissions as it recognizes the importance of influencing its supply chain by further cementing mechanisms and governance models in this area.

Zain’s climate change journey:

Zain discloses its Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions and sets reduction targets accordingly
Completed first five-year target cycle
Aligned to the CO2 emission factors standards and set new emission targets for five years
Updated Zain's ESMP Guidelines to include IFC recommendations
Became a member of the GMSA Climate Action Taskforce and disclosed privately to CDP
Disclosed publicly to CDP achieving a B score and created a Climate Action Committee (CAC)
Developed Scope 3 inventory process disclosing 12 categories, achieved an A-score in its CDP disclosure and established a baseline for water consumption

Zain has identified climate change focus areas based on an assessment of its progression in regard to targets set in 2020. In addition, based on the guidance provided by the GSMA Climate Action Taskforce, the IPCC report, TCFD guidelines, operating context, and disclosure to CDP, Zain reiterated its targets to take a more definitive role in addressing climate change. We have witnessed the importance of pivoting aspects of the business to work towards Net-Zero and adapt to a low-carbon economy.  

Zain has identified the following targets to be achieved by 2025:  

Network and energy consumption transition

Strategic approach to communication, leading to behavioral change

Waste management and circular economy

Responsible supply chain